Today was a busy day! First we went to see my cousin Alec play soccer. He was so good! We cheered him on and I think it really helped because their team won 3-0. I hope that someday I can play soccer as well as him. Maybe he can teach me some of his moves.
Speaking of teaching me some moves... at one point my cousin Aaron took me around the park to see some of the cute girls. I think he might of been using me to get their attention, but I don't care, they were really cute!
After the game my Mom and Dad took me to see the ocean for the first time! WOW! It is soo big! Much bigger than my bath or the pool! I loved the warm sand and the big waves. We watched some surfers and I decided that as soon as I can stand on my own, I am going to have Daddy teach me to surf. Here are some of the pictures we took of my first time at the beach!

Ok, I admit it... I was a little scared at first!

After the beach we went to my Dad's friends house. I got to meet a lot of cool people there. This is a picture of the guys!

This is my friend Jan. He is in the Army and going to Afghanistan soon. I am going to pray really hard every night so that God brings him back safe!
And look! Before I could even stand I got my first surfing lesson! And on a surfboard just my size.

Thank you for throwing such a fun party Rob and Cindy! I had a great time and can't wait to meet my new friend when he is born! I have a feeling we are going to have a lot of fun surfing together!