My Dad flew on a different plane than us, so it was just Mommy and me on our plane. I was really excited to fly for the first time! I had heard that a lot of babies cry and scream during the whole flight and people get really irritated. I decided to play a trick on Mommy and everyone else on the plane. Just before we got on, I started crying. I cried down the whole aisle, just so everyone could hear me. Then I cried when we sat down too. You should have seen the poor teenager sitting next to me! But after a few minutes I decided I had tricked them all enough. I ate and fell asleep for the rest of the flight!
Me and Mommy on the plane
Then when we got to San Diego I finally woke up. My Mom told me to breathe in the ocean air and feel its moisture on my skin. She was right! It is wonderful here!
Then it got even better... I saw Maguita (thats what we call my Grandma)! I love her so much! She held me and kissed me so much! Then we saw the rest of the family. They had a BIG sign to welcome me (and my parents, but their names were really small!) and balloons! It was so cool to see all my cousins again. They are so much fun! That night I stayed up really late because we were so excited to be together!
I love to talk to my Maguita!
Oh my gosh! I bet that plane trip was nerve wracking. Good thing Bear is such a comedian! Hope you guys are having fun in the sand in sun!