Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fun Time with Papa Luis and Fun hats

My Nina Vero told me she wanted to be on the moon someday, i think she looks ready.

We bought my cousin Alec this cool hat and when you tickle him, he makes these cool but wierd noises. I think I am going to call this hat..."tickle me Alec".

I am having a great time playing with Papa Luis, he is so much fun.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


My parents made Maguitas Tamales for the first time. They worked really hard and I think they turned out good, but my Mom said I am not allowed to eat them yet. Before my parents got started, Papa put me in the Tamal bucket for about 30 minutes. I had so much fun playing in the bucket and Papa took me around the house in the bucket as if I was being much fun!

Decorating Christmas Tree

After we cut our first Christmas tree, we decorated the tree with lights, ribbon, and a bunch of ornaments. It was alot of fun and mom told me that its one of her favorite traditions. We listened to Christmas music, danced and sung to the Beach Boys Christmas music.

I met a new Friend; Santa Claus

Mom and Papa took me to meet a new friend named Santa Claus. Santa was really nice, he asked me if I was a good boy, and I told him " I think I am, but sometimes I don't let Mom sleep". Santa then asked what I want for Christmas and I told him that I want a brand new tool set like my papa's.

My First Christmas Tree

Mom and Papa took me to cut my very first Christmas tree. It was so much fun, we went with a bunch of people and even more dogs. Amigo came along and helped me pick the perfect Christmas tree. Once we found the tree, Papa pulled out a saw; I think that's what its called and cut down the tree for us. It was really cool, and Papa told me that one day he will let me cut the Christmas tree.

Monday, December 14, 2009

My favorite Bear suit

I went to visit Papa-Luis and Maguita in San Diego last month and Papa-Luis bought me the coolest Bear suit. I take it everywhere I go becase its so warm and fuzzy. Thanks Papa-Luis.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


How come no one told me how AWESOME Halloween is?? I had so much fun!! I mean when else can you dress like a Pirate all day long? I guess I am a baby, so maybe I could be a pirate everyday if I want to!

First we went to our church to hand out candy to other kids. It was fun to see other costumes... I got lots of good ideas for future Halloween costumes! In the afternoon we went to my friend Paige's house. Here is a picture of me with Paige and our friend Sebastian.

At the party I tried on a big crazy wig... can you see me underneath it?

Then that night, my Mom and Papa dressed up like Pirates too and we went to my neighbor Margaret's house. She always throws a really good Halloween party... so I hear. Again, who wouldn't love Halloween...
Look at how cool we look...

I got to play with a sword...

And I got to meet Hulk Hogan! He was soo cool! I can't wait to have muscles like him!

Even though I didn't get to eat any candy (my Mom says I need to eat rice cereal first) I did get to stay up late! I can't wait for next Halloweeen! Let me know what you think I should be next year!

What happens in Vegas...

I really wouldn't know what happens in Vegas- my Mom went without me! Actually my Papa sent her to Vegas to hang out with my Papa's family. She needed a break from being Mommy and just relax and be crazy for the weekend. Here are some of her pictures!

Don't my Mom and my Tias look beautiful!?!

My Tio Jeff... I hear they call this double fisting, or something like that!

My Tio Marco and Nina Veronica don't look like they are having fun of the party!

These are my Tias crazy friends Monica and Lorianne! They look like they are having a lot of fun!

My mom said she spent a lot of time with my Tio Jeff... but they promised they didn't talk bad about the Morales family! Really they didn't!

Now you may be wondering what my Papa and I did while Mom was away... well, what happens in Denver without Mommy, stays in Denver!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Four Months Old

September 28th, 2009

My Parents insist on taking pictures of me in this outfit that is obviously too big... I am sure it will be cool when I actually fit into it!

Look how well I am sitting up now!

Oh, and see that toy on my lap? Now look at it... I have already learned to share! Amigo liked the cat so much more than I did anyways!

Friday, September 25, 2009

My First Hockey Game

I got to go to my first Hockey game... and man, was it nice. My Mom says its not always like this...but I am going to sit in these seats every time I go!

We were in what they call a box. It doesn't sound nice, but it really is! We had to scan our ticket to unlock the private door. There were really comfortable seat, carpet and a lot of room. I went with a lot of cool people from our church. Here is a picture of me and Mom at the game.

My Mom didn't let me watch much of the game because she was talking so much, but the part I did see was really cool. I even got to see a fight! And the Avalanche won 3-2!

People say I am really lucky because I have been to 2 Baseball games, a Football game and a Hockey game. But isn't that normal for a 3 month old?

Your Momma...

I made up a new Your Momma joke... wanna hear it?

Your Momma's so poor she enrolls you in scientific studies for money!

Sadly, this is true for me... take a look!

My San Diego Vacation: Day #10

This morning I was very Holy. I went to church 2 times this morning. But I guess I wasn't that Holy, since I talked and slept though both services.

First Maguita took me to Mass, but we had to go into the cry room because I was making too much noise.

Then my Mommy picked me up and took me to the church where she grew up. There were lots of nice people there! Here are some pictures of me with them.

These women are my Grandma's good friends, Roz and Vicki

Me and my new friend Vicki!

This is Dean, he was one of my Grandpa Dana's best friends!

This is Dean's wife Marcia, she is one of my Grandma Lou Ann's best friends!

After all that time at church my Mommy and I didn't have much time before we had to fly home. She did squeeze in a trip to In and Out Burger. Then we went back to Maguita's and spent some last moments with the family. I am really going to miss them!
Thank you everyone for making my first trip to San Diego so memorable! All of you were so nice to me and taking me to so many cool places. I had a great time with all of you!

My San Diego Vacation: Day #9

Today I went up to my Auntie Erica and Uncle Stan's house. My Mommy and Auntie Erica wanted to go get pedicures. I let them have their girl time and decided to stay with Stan. He was my first non family Babysitter! We had a lot of fun... so much that I feel asleep on the couch before my Mommy and Erica came home.

Then some other friends of my Mom came over to meet me. I had fun getting to know them too!

Here are some pictures of me with Erica and Stan!

Thank you Erica and Stan for hanging out with me. Stan, I hope we can have guy's time again soon! And take good care of my new friend Barkley!

Monday, September 14, 2009

My San Diego Vacation: Day #8

Today I went to my first Mass with my Tia Margie and my cousins. My cousins go to a Catholic School and they go to Mass every Friday but this one was special for my cousin Evan. It was a ceremony for the beginning of his preparation for his First Communion. I got a special blessing from the Priest. Afterwards My cousin Alec carried me around and I got even more attention when Tia Margie showed me off to everyone!

Can you see me in the crowd? My cousin Alec thought that if he held me he would attract girls... but I only see guys in this picture!!

Also there was this really funny Nun there that asked if I had been baptized yet because she was hoping I hadn't so they could change my name! I like my name Bear, but not many people at the school liked it.

This is my cousin Evan who is starting to prepare for his First Communion. I look like I am going to cry here.

This is my cousin Alec who took me around his school. He looks like he is going to cry here, not me!!

After we left the school my Mom and Tia Margie did more shopping! BOOORRRING!!! Again I slept a lot! Then we had to pick up all the boys from school. After that we went to a birthday party for a friend of theirs, Karla. It was a lot of fun. My Mommy challenged my cousins to a skee ball tournament, she lost in the finals to my cousin Alec. With his winnings Alec bought these...

I think I am now living up to my name with all that hair!!