Friday, September 25, 2009

My First Hockey Game

I got to go to my first Hockey game... and man, was it nice. My Mom says its not always like this...but I am going to sit in these seats every time I go!

We were in what they call a box. It doesn't sound nice, but it really is! We had to scan our ticket to unlock the private door. There were really comfortable seat, carpet and a lot of room. I went with a lot of cool people from our church. Here is a picture of me and Mom at the game.

My Mom didn't let me watch much of the game because she was talking so much, but the part I did see was really cool. I even got to see a fight! And the Avalanche won 3-2!

People say I am really lucky because I have been to 2 Baseball games, a Football game and a Hockey game. But isn't that normal for a 3 month old?

Your Momma...

I made up a new Your Momma joke... wanna hear it?

Your Momma's so poor she enrolls you in scientific studies for money!

Sadly, this is true for me... take a look!

My San Diego Vacation: Day #10

This morning I was very Holy. I went to church 2 times this morning. But I guess I wasn't that Holy, since I talked and slept though both services.

First Maguita took me to Mass, but we had to go into the cry room because I was making too much noise.

Then my Mommy picked me up and took me to the church where she grew up. There were lots of nice people there! Here are some pictures of me with them.

These women are my Grandma's good friends, Roz and Vicki

Me and my new friend Vicki!

This is Dean, he was one of my Grandpa Dana's best friends!

This is Dean's wife Marcia, she is one of my Grandma Lou Ann's best friends!

After all that time at church my Mommy and I didn't have much time before we had to fly home. She did squeeze in a trip to In and Out Burger. Then we went back to Maguita's and spent some last moments with the family. I am really going to miss them!
Thank you everyone for making my first trip to San Diego so memorable! All of you were so nice to me and taking me to so many cool places. I had a great time with all of you!

My San Diego Vacation: Day #9

Today I went up to my Auntie Erica and Uncle Stan's house. My Mommy and Auntie Erica wanted to go get pedicures. I let them have their girl time and decided to stay with Stan. He was my first non family Babysitter! We had a lot of fun... so much that I feel asleep on the couch before my Mommy and Erica came home.

Then some other friends of my Mom came over to meet me. I had fun getting to know them too!

Here are some pictures of me with Erica and Stan!

Thank you Erica and Stan for hanging out with me. Stan, I hope we can have guy's time again soon! And take good care of my new friend Barkley!

Monday, September 14, 2009

My San Diego Vacation: Day #8

Today I went to my first Mass with my Tia Margie and my cousins. My cousins go to a Catholic School and they go to Mass every Friday but this one was special for my cousin Evan. It was a ceremony for the beginning of his preparation for his First Communion. I got a special blessing from the Priest. Afterwards My cousin Alec carried me around and I got even more attention when Tia Margie showed me off to everyone!

Can you see me in the crowd? My cousin Alec thought that if he held me he would attract girls... but I only see guys in this picture!!

Also there was this really funny Nun there that asked if I had been baptized yet because she was hoping I hadn't so they could change my name! I like my name Bear, but not many people at the school liked it.

This is my cousin Evan who is starting to prepare for his First Communion. I look like I am going to cry here.

This is my cousin Alec who took me around his school. He looks like he is going to cry here, not me!!

After we left the school my Mom and Tia Margie did more shopping! BOOORRRING!!! Again I slept a lot! Then we had to pick up all the boys from school. After that we went to a birthday party for a friend of theirs, Karla. It was a lot of fun. My Mommy challenged my cousins to a skee ball tournament, she lost in the finals to my cousin Alec. With his winnings Alec bought these...

I think I am now living up to my name with all that hair!!

My San Diego Vacation: Day #7

Today was a nice and relaxing day. My Mom let me sleep for a long time this morning. Then she took me back to the beach. This time we didn't get in the water, but just took a long walk along the beach. It was so relaxing I fell asleep again!

Then we met up with my Nina Veronica. They dragged me to so many stores I couldn't keep shopping with them, so I fell asleep again.

After lots of shopping we went to my Nina's house where I got to play with my cousins. So many people say I have dark skin, but look at me next to my cousin Carlo!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My San Diego Vacation: Day #6

Today I got to hang out with my Great-Grandparents some more. My Papaw played with me, and my Grandma gave me my first piano lesson. It was a lot of fun! Then my cousin Rachel came to see me! She is so sweet! I hear her sisters are really great too, I can't wait to meet them too!

After saying goodbye to all of them (I was sad to leave them so soon!), my Mom and I went on an adventure. Rachel took us to the Metro station where we got on a trolley. We rode that into this big city called Los Angeles. From there we got on a big 2 story train. We took that train for awhile down the coast. It was fun riding on the train. Here is a picture of me on the train with the ocean in the back ground.

When we got off the train in a city called Oceanside, my Mommy's best friend, Auntie Erica picked us up. We went to her house and I met Uncle Stan and their dog Barkley. Barkley made me miss my dog Amigo, except Barkley didn't lick me as much as Amigo! I don't have pictures with Auntie Erica and Uncle Stan yet because I was really tired and crying a lot after our long day. But I will see them again and then post pictures!

My San Diego Vacation: Day #5

I had a change of scenery today. My Mom and Dad drove me up to Pasadena where my other Great- Grandparents live. It was a long drive, but I slept for some of it.

My Great-Grandma Fran and Great- Papaw were soooo nice. I love them so much! My Papaw is really funny, I really liked to look at him and play with him. And my Great-Grandma Fran was so sweet. She sang to me and played with me. Here are some of the pictures of us together.

Not long after we got there, my Dad had to drive back to San Diego and then fly to Denver. I was really, really sad. I am not going to see him for 5 whole days! I miss him already!
Then my Mom and I went to see her friend Nicole. She was really nice and liked to hold me and play with me too. But I fell asleep because they just kept talking and talking!
When we got back to my Great Grandma's house my I got to meet my Aunt Dee and Uncle Phil(they are really my Great-Aunt and Uncle, but they don't look old enough to be that, so I am just going to call them my Aunt and Uncle). My Aunt held me a lot and I even fell asleep with her... which I don't do with just anyone! I really love them and can't wait to see them again!

San Diego Vacation: Day #4

Today was more "tranquilo" (thats calm in Dad is teaching me). I got to hang out with Maguita in the morning and then my Nina later while my parents ditched me to go to the mall and the beach. I didn't mind staying behind because I love spending time with Maguita and Nina Veronica... plus I think I need to be a little bit older to appreciate the beach the way my parents do.

That night some of the family came over for dinner. It was great to see my Bis-abuelos again and some of my other Tios and Tias. My Dad made Ice Cream again... with the help of Papa Luis and Abuelito Chuey.

It was a good day, but I don't have any pictures of it. Sorry. I do have a video of Maguita giving me a bath, but I don't think I should post that... you know, my future girlfriend may read these posts someday!

Monday, September 7, 2009

My San Diego Vacation: Day #3

Wow! What a day! Maguita, Papa Luis and my Tias planned this huge party for me! There were so many people there. I just got passed around from one person to another all day. And of course, just like all Morales parties, there was tons of really good food. Here are some pictures from the day. My Bis-Abuelo Ramon

My Bis-Abuelo Chuey (I was born on his 90th Birthday)

My Bis-Abuela Lola

Four Generations making Abuelito Chuey's Famous Ice Cream!

Now Dad is teaching me how to make it!

My Tio Pepe and Tia Diane

My Tio Martin

This is my new friend Jacob, he was born the day after me! They say I was being a bully and hitting him in the face, but thats what I saw my Dad does with my cousins so I thought that is how you play!

After a long day in the park, my cousins and I were soo tired! We crashed on the couch at Maguitas!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My San Diego Vacation: Day #2

Today was a busy day! First we went to see my cousin Alec play soccer. He was so good! We cheered him on and I think it really helped because their team won 3-0. I hope that someday I can play soccer as well as him. Maybe he can teach me some of his moves.

Speaking of teaching me some moves... at one point my cousin Aaron took me around the park to see some of the cute girls. I think he might of been using me to get their attention, but I don't care, they were really cute!

After the game my Mom and Dad took me to see the ocean for the first time! WOW! It is soo big! Much bigger than my bath or the pool! I loved the warm sand and the big waves. We watched some surfers and I decided that as soon as I can stand on my own, I am going to have Daddy teach me to surf. Here are some of the pictures we took of my first time at the beach!

Ok, I admit it... I was a little scared at first!

My Mom loves having sand between her toes! I like it too now!

After the beach we went to my Dad's friends house. I got to meet a lot of cool people there. This is a picture of the guys!

This is my friend Jan. He is in the Army and going to Afghanistan soon. I am going to pray really hard every night so that God brings him back safe!

And look! Before I could even stand I got my first surfing lesson! And on a surfboard just my size.

Thank you for throwing such a fun party Rob and Cindy! I had a great time and can't wait to meet my new friend when he is born! I have a feeling we are going to have a lot of fun surfing together!

My San Diego Vacation: Day #1

My Mommy and Daddy have taken me to the city where they grew up. It is really pretty here, just like they told me. I think I am going to really like it here.

My Dad flew on a different plane than us, so it was just Mommy and me on our plane. I was really excited to fly for the first time! I had heard that a lot of babies cry and scream during the whole flight and people get really irritated. I decided to play a trick on Mommy and everyone else on the plane. Just before we got on, I started crying. I cried down the whole aisle, just so everyone could hear me. Then I cried when we sat down too. You should have seen the poor teenager sitting next to me! But after a few minutes I decided I had tricked them all enough. I ate and fell asleep for the rest of the flight!

Me and Mommy on the plane

Then when we got to San Diego I finally woke up. My Mom told me to breathe in the ocean air and feel its moisture on my skin. She was right! It is wonderful here!

Then it got even better... I saw Maguita (thats what we call my Grandma)! I love her so much! She held me and kissed me so much! Then we saw the rest of the family. They had a BIG sign to welcome me (and my parents, but their names were really small!) and balloons! It was so cool to see all my cousins again. They are so much fun! That night I stayed up really late because we were so excited to be together!

I love to talk to my Maguita!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

First time swimming

My Grandma and Mommy took me to go swimming last week. It was a little cold for me even though they said the water was 85 degrees. I wasn't so sure about all that water... it was so much more than when I take a bath. I think I'll like the water, but I need to get used to it a little bit more. My Mommy told me that I'll get to swim in the ocean next week. I know my Mommy and Daddy like the ocean more so I hope I like it too. I'll let you know what I think!

Blue Steel or Magnum

We are so proud of our little male model. We hope that someday he will be able to open his own school for kids that don't read good. But for now we need help deciding if this is more Blue Steel or Magnum. Please cast your vote today!!